Know Thyself

It's pouring down with rain today here, where I live in beautiful British Columbia. It reminds me of my earlier days in England. It always seemed to rain on Saturdays. I don't know why, but it did. We never went anywhere without an umbrella. There's something about the rain that always brings up that warm, fuzzy feeling if I am happily entrenched indoors with a warm fire, music, TV, or a book, and easy access to endless cups of tea or coffee, and a snack. It's a wonderful excuse not to have to work in the garden. I hate gardening. In fact, the rain is a wonderful excuse for all kinds of inactivity. I am grateful for it, just as I am also grateful for the sunshine. Both make the plants grow and we can't have one without the other, just like we cannot have laughter without tears. We need both in order to grow.

I have learned that, with my tears, have come opportunities for personal growth, wisdom, an understanding of others needs, and a deeper understanding of myself. Tears help us to develop compassion. When we talk about faith, hope and charity, charity is actually compassionate love. Compassionate love is not romantic love, and neither does it judge, criticize, or anticipate anything in return. I suppose we keep getting tears, to remind us that we have a long way to go in developing true compassion, before we can be like the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, or Jesus Christ. "It's a good thing.", as Martha Stewart might say.

Occasionally, I meet people who seem to have lives full of joy, and no tears. I sometimes think that these people must be the unhappiest of all, for they are either adept at mask-making (hiding their true self from the world), or are missing opportunities for their spirits to grow. We are, after all, spiritual beings, having a human experience. It would be a shame to miss the experience. Tears, make us appreciate the joyful times more, just as we appreciate the sunshine when it comes.

Have you ever noticed how warm, polite, and friendly people are when the sun is shining? Their careworn faces are brighter, their voices and banter are lighter, and they smile. I love the sunshine! I love to feel it on my skin and to go outside and enjoy it. It's better than being stuck inside, looking at the rain, or watching TV, or reading a book, or listening to music. It stops me drinking tea or coffee, and eating everything in sight.

Posted on Sunday, April 9, 2006 at 10:41AM by Registered Commenter[Jean James] | CommentsPost a Comment

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